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HKU has always been actively implementing measures to combat the risk of COVID-19 transmission on campus throughout the pandemic. To keep the HKU community safe, HKU held a Vaccination Day on campus to facilitate a greater uptake of vaccination before resuming regular on-campus activities in the new academic year.

The HKU Vaccination Day took place on July 21 (first dose) and August 11 (second dose) at the Loke Yew Hall, where around 300 HKU students and staff members signed up to receive the BioNTech vaccine administered by the HKU Health System via the Government’s outreach vaccination service. 

HKU has always been actively implementing measures to combat the risk of COVID-19 transmission on campus throughout the pandemic. Video by Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative (TELI)
Understanding that some HKU members may have concerns about the vaccines due to personal medical conditions, HKU has also organised a myth-breaking Webinar Q&A session with medical experts from the LKS Faculty of Medicine.

Meanwhile, understanding that some HKU members may have concerns about the vaccines due to personal medical conditions, HKU has also organised a myth-breaking Webinar Q&A session with medical experts from the LKS Faculty of Medicine. Professor Keiji Fukuda and Professor Ivan Hung were invited to host an English session addressing participants’ enquiries while Dr. Kevin To and Professor Leo Poon conducted their discussion in the Chinese session. They talked about the suitability, efficacy, side effects and other aspects of the vaccine. For those who are interested to know more, the sessions, which last for an hour, are available on Youtube.

Overall, the HKU Vaccination Day was immensely successful upon receiving much positive feedback from the participants. Many of them were grateful for the convenient arrangement and expressed satisfaction at the efficiency of the service provided.

Receiving COVID-19 vaccination is an essential step in combating the infectious disease. Picture: Unsplash

Indeed, receiving COVID-19 vaccination is an essential step in combating the infectious disease and creating a safe living and learning environment for not only HKU members but also the Hong Kong community as a whole. HKU is thankful for those who act decisively to protect the community and slow the spread of COVID-19.

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