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HKU Excellence Awards 2021 is presented in the following year of 2022

University Distinguished Teaching Award

Mr Mathew Robert PRYOR, Department of Architecture

Outstanding Teaching Award

Dr Christophe Dominique Michel COUPÉ, School of Humanities
Mr Patrick David DESLOGE, Centre for Applied English Studies
Ms Vincci MAK Wing Sze, Department of Architecture

Early Career Teaching Award

Dr Peter Jon COBB, Faculties of Education and Arts
Ms Promail LEUNG Kin Yi, Faculty of Education
Ms Lidia RATOI, Department of Architecture
Ms Janet WONG Kit Ting, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy

Teaching Innovation Award


Ms Tanya Jacqueline KEMPSTON, Faculty of Education
‘Hear This! A Festival of Radio Drama on Zoom’

Dr NG Ming Yen, Department of Diagnostic Radiology
‘Cardiac Imaging Massive Open Online Courses’


Mr Ashley Scott KELLY (Leader)
Dr LU Xiaoxuan
Faculty of Architecture
‘Strategic Landscape Planning for the Greater Mekong’

Dr George Lim TIPOE (Leader), Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Professor Amy CHOW Yin Man, Faculty of Social Sciences
Dr Fraide Jr Agustin GANOTICE, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Dr May LAM Pui San, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Dr Janet WONG Yuen Ha, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
‘Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice – an “eMART” Approach’

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