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AIELN Conference 2011: The Global Financial and Economic Crisis and the Post-Crisis International Economic Law Environment The Asian International Economic Law Network (AIELN) Conference 2011 will be held at HKU on July 15 and 16. The theme for discussion is "The Global Financial and Economic Crisis and the Post-Crisis International Economic Law Environment"

Date: 15 July 2011 (Friday)
Time: 9:15am to 6pm
Venue: Council Chamber, 8/F Meng Wah Complex, HKU

Date: 16 July 2011 (Saturday)
Time: 9:15am
- 1pm
Venue: Council Chamber, 8/F Meng Wah Complex, HKU

A draft programme can be download from

For enquiries, please contact Flora Leung by email at or by phone at 2859 2941.

Seminar: Can diversity in higher education be maintained under the pressure of global rankings?
The degree to which Chinese higher education has maintained some institutional diversity, despite pressures to conform to the model of a global research university, is remarkable. University presidents are naturally concerned about where their institutions are located in global rankings, and national policy has supported significant efforts to enable universities to achieve world-class standing. At the same time, strong national programs have supported fields of knowledge seen as important to China's development. They have also ensured some redistribution of resources to less developed parts of the country. This presentation will provide examples of both homogenization and diversification in the process of the massification of Chinese higher education during the past 12 years.

The speaker Ruth Hayhoe is President Emerita of the Hong Kong Institute of Education and a professor of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.

Date: July 19, 2011 (Tuesday)
Time: 10:30am - 11:45am
Venue: Room 203, Runme Shaw Building
Language: English

For enquiries, please contact Emily Mang by email at or by fax at 2517-4737.

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